Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge

Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
Butler XI 110 all out (A Homewood 24, A Greany 19). Caius win by 10 wickets.

Having turned out a weak team last year, Caius rebounded with a fit, talented and motivated bunch of players who managed to cut through us with relative ease, clean bowling four of us, catching five and stumping one, none of us passing the quarter-century. A pity, because Rupert Style, Mark Oppe and Jamo Reilly are each capable of big innings. Our second highest scorer was a vicar in his 60s, which tells you something.

Two of the vicar’s daughters came to watch on the boundary, providing the most attractive sights of the afternoon, since our bowling was if anything worse than our batting. Sean Griffin and Jamo Reilly toiled in vain, Samuel Nicholson struggled to find his line and length and Ed Butler succeeded only in bruising his toes with each vertical delivery.

This is a fixture that we can – and should – win, because Caius are by no means a formidable side. Next year we’ll be better prepared.

Man of the Match: 
The Reverend Andrew Greany, a Christian soldier.
Champagne Moment: 
Beer after the match
Bad Behaviour Award: 
Jamo Reilly for badgering the captain to bat higher, then holing out for three.

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