St Giles Cambridge

Sunday, 5 July 2009
St Giles, Cambridge
St Giles 247 (S Griffin 3-49, S Taylor 2-32) Butler XI 230 (B Wilkinson 103, S Taylor 71). St Giles win by 17 runs.

This was an entirely new fixture, played on the familiar turf of Caius College, against a local Cambridge side including one of David’s college mates, who used to work for Mother Teresa of Calcutta. No charity was shown on this summer’s afternoon, however, as St Giles raced to an imposing 247 despite manful bowling efforts from our side.

Ben Wilkinson and Sam Taylor renewed the partnership that had worked so well against the Scotties, reaching 145 without loss, but the recent heroics of Mack and McCormack were not to be repeated today as they perished for 4 and 14 respectively and the rest petered out with a sad splutter. In most of our games, 230 would be a handsome winning score, so it felt a bit of a cruel loss.

Man of the Match: 
Ben Wilkinson, first centurion since our Tobagan ringer Londis in May 2008 (on the same ground).
Champagne Moment: 
James Weymes C&Bing the Mother Teresa man
Bad Behaviour Award: 

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