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About Us

The Butler XI Cricket Club was founded by BBC journalist Gareth Butler in 1988.

Playing originally at Wray Park in North London against similarly cobbled together local teams of journalists and assorted others, the team progressed on to grounds on Hampstead Heath in 1989 and expanded from there.

By the early 1990s the team was playing a dozen fixtures each year and touring to Bristol.

By the mid-1990s it was playing 18 fixtures and touring to France, where its earliest opponents were teams in Saumur, in the Loire Valley, and in Brittany.

High quality players were attracted by the combination of choice fixtures (Eton, Blenheim Palace and various picturesque Home Counties villages) and the team’s easygoing character.

The club remains a friendly and adventurous one, with overseas tours each year, despite the loss of its founder in 2008. Two fixtures each season are played in memory of Gareth.

In 2009 we toured to Geneva, in 2010 Copenhagen, in 2011 Corfu, in 2012 and 2014 we returned to Saumur in the Loire Valley and in 2015 we toured Berlin. Please have a look at our snaps in the photo section.

And if you’re interested in playing for or against the Butler XI, please contact:

David Nicholson
Fixtures Secretary
07802 834477
020 7359 1200
07802 834477

David Nicholson

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